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Backend / Multiprocessing

This is an important part of the library designed to make the switch from single process to multi process monitoring extremely simple without requiring changes from the user beside a configuration.

Backend is a protocol used for each value of a metric, meaning that when you create a Counter for example, its actual value will be an instance of a Backend that will handle the logic for that value. For single process it could be a mutex based implementation while for multi process it could be a redis backed one.

Regardless of backend used, if you want to increment the Counter you would call the same inc() method, so that you can easily switch between single and multi process with ease.


One of my goals for this library is to have the interface be the same between single & multi process, meaning that the features supported should always handle both cases.

Backend Protocol

The backend protocol is as follows:

class Backend(Protocol):
    def __init__(
        config: BackendConfig,
        metric: "_Metric",
    ) -> None:

    def inc(self, value: float) -> None:

    def dec(self, value: float) -> None:

    def set(self, value: float) -> None:

    def get(self) -> float:

When creating a custom backend the __init__ method has to accept:

  • config: BackendConfig: possible configuration values for initializing it
  • metric: _Metric: the metric that is creating the instance of this backend for a value
  • histogram_bucket: str | None: bucket name in case it's instanced for an histogram

You don't have to use these values in your implementation, they just need to be accepted.


BackendConfig is of type dict[str, Any]

_Metric is any of Counter, Gauge, Histogram


It's possible that you want to initialize your custom backend or there are one time steps that you want to happen on import.

To achieve that you can use the class method hook called _initialize that accepts a BackendConfig parameter.

def _initialize(cls, config: "BackendConfig") -> None:
    # initialization steps


A Backend can have a _generate_samples class method that would be used when generating the metrics instead of going over every metric get method.

This allows for flexibility in implementing faster implementations, an example is the use of pipelines in the MultiProcessRedisBackend

Default Backend

The default backend used is a SingleProcessBackend. A thread-safe in-memory implementation that makes use of threading.Lock.

from pytheus.metrics import Counter

counter = Counter('cache_hit_total', 'description')
# <class 'pytheus.backends.base.SingleProcessBackend'>

Multiprocess Backend

The library also includes a redis based implementation of the backend for supporting multi process python services: MultiProcessRedisBackend.

This makes use of the INCRBYFLOAT & HINCRBYFLOAT redis operations that are ATOMIC and as redis is single-threaded it means that even if multiple clients try to update the same value we will end up with the correct one.


When using the MultiProcessRedisBackend you will want to have a separate redis server o database specified per service you are monitoring. If you don't there is a risk that a metric with the same name on one service might overwrite one in another service.



If you plan to share the same redis server for multiple services, you can configure a prefix that will be added to all the stored metrics with the key_prefix.

For example: {"host": "", "port": 6379, "key_prefix": "serviceprefix"}


You can configure the time keys will stay alive in Redis by passing the key expire_key_time in the configuration. This is 1 hour by default and it gets refreshed everytime an operation is done against the key, for example when it gets scraped.

# 5 min
load_backend(MultiProcessRedisBackend, {"expire_key_time": 300})

Loading a different Backend

To load a different backend you can make use of the load_backend function, for example for loading the MultiProcessRedisBackend:

from pytheus.backends import load_backend
from pytheus.backends.redis import MultiProcessRedisBackend

    backend_config={"host": "", "port": 6379},

now when you create a metric it will use the configured backend:

counter = Counter('cache_hit_total', 'description')
# <class 'pytheus.backends.redis.MultiProcessRedisBackend'>


This operation should be done before you create your metrics as an initialization step.


load_backend() it's called automatically when you import the pytheus library and it supports environment variables to configure which backend to use and the config, so you can just set them without having to call the function yourself:

  • PYTHEUS_BACKEND_CLASS: class to import, for example pytheus.backends.redis.MultiProcessFileBackend
  • PYTHEUS_BACKEND_CONFIG: path to a json file containing the config


The function definition is:

def load_backend(
    backend_class: type[Backend] | None = None,
    backend_config: BackendConfig | None = None,
) -> None: