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With labels you can differentiate what you are measuring, for example for an http_request_duration_seconds metric you might want to differentiate between GET or POST requests while using the same metric.


Every new value for a label key represents a new time serie, so you should try to avoid labels that measure things with high cardinality, for example a path that has no specific ending: /users/{id} {here id is variable depending on the request}.

In that case it would be better to observe the metric replacing the last part of the endpoint with a fixed value so that you still get useful information: /users/:id

Creating a metric with a label

To create a metric that requires labels we will use the required_labels parameter when creating our metric. It's a list of strings. To show how to use a label, let's create a Counter that will accept a method label:


required_labels: accepts a Sequence[str]

from pytheus.metrics import Counter

page_hit_total = Counter(
    'number of time this page got it',

Since our new metric has atleast a label required, if you try to observe it, it will fail:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/Users/llandy/dev/pytheus/pytheus/", line 283, in inc
  File "/Users/llandy/dev/pytheus/pytheus/", line 198, in _raise_if_cannot_observe
    raise UnobservableMetricException

A metric is considered "unobservable" if you try to observe it without passing the labels that were defined as required. The correct way to observe it for example with the method label mapped to GET would be:

page_hit_total.labels({'method': 'GET'}).inc()


The labels method accepts dict[str, str] where the key of the dictionary is the label name and the value is the value of the label. Alternatively you can use keyword arguments.


You can use kwargs instead of a dict like this:


we can do the same for the label mapped to the value POST and the metrics created would be:

page_hit_total.labels({'method': 'POST'}).inc(3)
the created time series
page_hit_total{method="GET"} 1.0
page_hit_total{method="POST"} 3.0

this allows us to check the page_hit_total metric in prometheus, or if we want specifics we can check the values for a specific label like page_hit_total{method="GET"}!

Caching the instance with a set label

Calling everytime the labels() method is tiresome, so it's possible to assign the value it returns to a new variable, it returns an instance of the metric class you used with the label already set!

page_hit_total_with_get = page_hit_total.labels({'method': 'GET'})

then we can observe it directly:


This works because when you create a metric, for example with Counter, the object you receive is like a "view" into the metric.

Under the hood there is an _MetricCollector class that handles all the logic for all the labels combinations, while the object you interact with is a _Metric object.

When you call the labels() method on a metric object you will receive a new _Metric instance with the labels set. This allows for partial labels!

Default labels

Default labels allow you to define a value that will be used by default for a set of required labels.

For example you might want to measure the duration of http requests from different services with the same metric name, it would be annoying having to set that label everytime so we can just define a default to use and possibly overwrite it when needed!

http_request_duration_seconds = Histogram(
    'documenting the metric..',
    default_labels={'service': 'main_service'},

we can observe it directly even if there is a required label since it's configured with a default value:


or we can override the default value:

http_request_duration_seconds_side_service = http_request_duration_seconds.labels(
    {'service': 'side_service'}


default_labels takes a dict[str, str]

Partial labels

With the labels() method returning a new instance of the metric class, it's possible to have instances that are not observable but have some defined values. This would be useful if there are a set of labels that you want to share and just a few remaining ones are different.

Let's say that we have two systems a & b, and we want to meausure how many times a cache gets hit plus we want a label telling us the origin of the call, we can define the metric like this:

cache_hit_count_total = Counter(
    'number of time the cache got it',
    required_labels=['system', 'origin'],

cache_hit_count_total_system_a = cache_hit_count_total.labels({'system': 'a'})
cache_hit_count_total_system_b = cache_hit_count_total.labels({'system': 'b'})

we defined two partial metrics with a label set for system a and one for system b. These are partial labels because if you try to observe them they will raise an error since not all the required labels are set.

We can then use them to observe the metrics avoiding the repetition of having to define the system each time:

cache_hit_count_total_system_a.labels({'origin': 'function_a'}).inc()
cache_hit_count_total_system_a.labels({'origin': 'function_b'}).inc()

cache_hit_count_total_system_b.labels({'origin': 'function_a'}).inc()

As you can see there could be some repetition from the previous example if the metric would be used in different places calling labels() again and again is annoying so we can create a new variable to hold a metric with also the origin label set:

cache_hit_count_total_system_a_with_origin.labels({'origin': 'function_a'})

This is the flexibility of partial labels, you can "cache" into variables your metric like you want and build upon it for what it makes sense for your use case.


Partial labels are built in an incremental way, meaning that each new instance returned when calling labels(...) will return an instance with the previous labels set.

If you call the labels({}) method with an empty dicy {} it will just return the same instance.